Grab your pack and head out on your walk. Your path will be decided by the birds, your shoe size, animals you pass, the weather, what other walkers are holding, letterboxes and street signs you pass and some other crazy directions along the way. The new directions rely on elements that change every time you are walking which means that even if you set out from the same spot on your walk you’ll have a different walk each time.
As with all our games we get ideas and feedback from our Getting Lost crew on Facebook, subscribers to our e-mails, purchasers and players of our games and we'd like to thank Sharee, Merrin, Janelle, Joe's Corner and Hannah for their contribution to this edition.
Our cards measures 91mm x 55mm. They have misdirection cards on one side and NZ and Australian locations (known as our inspiration cards) on the other side. All these locations can be found on our blog so its perfect for a little holiday inspiration and dreaming.
Want to customise your game? You can add one of our suitcases in your favourite colour. Our suitcases fit 45 cards and are great for combining packs and taking them out and about.
Please remember to play the game responsibly and make sure that you stay safe and able to get yourself back home at all times.